Realtime Traveller: Post Ø

From Traveller, Book 1, Characters and Combat:

Traveller may be played in any of three basic configurations: solitaire, scenario, or campaign. Any configuration may be unsupervised (that is, played without a referee; the players themselves administer the rules and manipulate the situation). Recommended instead is the refereed game (wherein a separate player administers the rules and secretly creates and manipulates situations).

Realtime Traveller combines the solitaire game and the campaign, with the additional constraint that I will follow a single character's adventures day to day in realtime through a series of posts on this blog. When my first character dies or otherwise stops adventuring, I will roll up a new character and continue. For now I am sticking to material in the three original 1977 edition books and my own imagination to create the universe that my travellers will inhabit.

Here's my first traveller, courtesy of the Classic Traveller Character Generator at

Army Captain Wen Bautista    6B5674    Age 22

1 term                        Cr40,000

Skills: ATV-1, Air/Raft-1, Dagger-1, Rifle-1, SMG-1

Service History:
Attempted to enlist in Army.
Enlistment accepted.
Commissioned during first term of service as Lieutenant.
Promoted to Captain.
Chose not to reenlist after first term.

Her adventure starts tomorrow!


  1. Interested in seeing how this turns out since I have some solo ideas for Trav/CE as well.

  2. Good for you! Classic Traveller is one of my favorite RPGs too, although I shrug off '77 and go for the '81/TTB version. I'll follow your adventures...


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