Personal Fitness: 2018.12.10

Gained back a pound. Added a push-up. Lost another 4 seconds from the plank
Next post on Wednesday.

Weight (lbs)

250 ||———| 235 |———|———|———|———||190


0 || 9 |———|———|———|———|———|———|———|———|———||100


0 ||———|———|———| 3m43s |———|———|———|———|———|———||10m

A1C - Average blood glucose level over past 3 months. Standard range is 4%-6%.

8.7% ||—————| 6.3% |—————||5.0%

What is this all about?
I am 53, obese, diabetic, and had neck surgery at the end of May which required sitting on a couch for the month of June to recover from. I am out of shape. Above is a dashboard view of my progress towards my fitness goals. I will be updating this dashboard in subsequent posts. I welcome questions and encouragement.

Fitness Strategies:
1. Intermittent Fasting - I am only eating between the hours of 11am and 7pm each day and fasting the other 16 hours

2. Just Six Weeks - this is a $2 phone app that trains you from wherever you are at to being able to do 100 push-ups, 200 sit-ups and five other body weight exercises

3. Regular posting on my social media streams for accountability and hopefully to inspire others


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