Goodbye 2018, hello 2019

I'm hoping 2019 will be a better year. 2018 has been super mixed but on the balance sucked.

Health wise it has been a rollercoaster, from a compressed nerve in my neck causing my right triceps and wrist flexors to atrophy, to a mostly successful surgery to correct that - strength is coming back, but oh so slowly. Recovery from surgery went well, but side effects of sitting on a couch for the month of June include severe plantar fasciitis in my left foot, and general poor physical condition. On the other hand since my doctor started me on intermittent fasting in October I have lost 15 pounds and am reversing my diabetes.

What made the year suck has been premature deaths in my family, work and social circles. My wife and I counted up to 12 relatively young people in our lives who died this year. The worse for us being my brother's suicide, one of our best friend's nephew's suicide, the death of a dear friend of our dear friends by self-neglect, and two cancer related deaths of beloved coworkers.

So 2018 can suck it. Bring on 2019 and hopefully the end of the Trump administration.


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